Water System Definitions

 Disclaimer:  Please note that the Rules and Regulations are constantly changing.  For this reason, some of the newest changes might not be reflected here on the website.  You can view an updated copy of the Rules and Regulations at our office location.

Section 1 – Prohibition of Private Water Supply
Section 2 – Required Connection
Section 3 – Failure to Connect
Section 4 – Conditions and Procedures for Initial Service
Section 5 – Right of Inspection
Section 6 – Specifications and Standards
Section 7 – Maintenance and Repair
Section 8 – Unlawful Use of Water System
Section 9 – Cross Connections
Section 10 – Water Supply
Section 11 – Billing
Section 12 – Late Payments
Section 13 – Discontinuance of Service
Section 14 – Water Service Line Charge
Section 15 – Miscellaneous Charges
Section 16 – Rates
Section 17 – Sprinkler Systems
Section 18 – Rates Summary Sheet


1.01 It shall be unlawful for any Owner of property within the Town¬ship who is required to connect to the Water System to construct or maintain any private or other water supply or to connect any Building thereto. The “Grandfathered” clause is eliminated since it has a direct impact on the wastewater use and billing.


2.01 Each Owner of any Building within the Township, located on property abutting any street, alley or right of way in which a Water Main has been provided by the Authority and where any part of a Building is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of Water Main, at his own expense shall connect Building to the Water System in accordance with the Authority’s Rules, Regulations, and Policy within sixty (60) days after the date of official written notice to do so from the Authority, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Authority.


3.01 In the event any Owner refuses or neglects to connect within the sixty (60) day period, they shall be deemed to be in violation of the Authority’s Rules, Regulations, and Policy and the Township Ordi-nances and the Authority or its agents may enter upon property and construct the connection. In such case, the Authority shall, upon connection of the work, send an itemized bill of the cost of the construction of water connection to Owner. In case of neglect or refusal by Owner to pay bill within thirty (30) days, it shall be the duty of the Authority to file municipal liens. No Owner of a Building shall be required to connect Building to Water System if the Authority determines that the water supply available to the Authority is insufficient to serve Building.


4.01 No person shall make or cause to be made any water connection with the public water system until they have fulfilled all of the follow¬ing conditions and procedures:

A. Any person desiring the introduction of a Water Service Line and/or Water Tap from the Authority mains into their Building must first make a written application on the form furnished by the Authority, at least two (2) weeks before the service is required, stating the address location, the name of the User, the pur¬pose for which service will be used, the size of water service line, connection, and meter desired.
B. The Application must be signed by the Owner of the building or their duly authorized agent. The application together with the Rules, Regulations, and Policy of the Authority shall regulate and con¬trol the service of water to the Building.
C. The application must be accompanied by the required Water Tap fee and any other fees established by the Authority.
D. The application must contain indication of the date when the water connection will be ready for inspection and making connection.
E. The Owner will be granted a permit form upon meeting the Authority’s Application procedure.

4.02 When an application has been made for a new service or for rein¬statement or change in an existing service, it is assumed that the piping and fixtures which the service will supply are in order to receive the service, and the Authority shall not be liable in any case for any accident, breaks or leakage arising in any way in connection with the supply of water or failure to supply water, or the freezing of pipes or fixtures, nor for any damage to the building which may result from the usage or non-usage of water supplied to the building.

4.03 The Owner shall notify the Inspector, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time when water connection will be made, in order that Inspector can be present to inspect and approve the work of connection.

4.04 At the time of the inspection for the water connection and service line, the Owner shall permit the Inspector full and complete access to all pipes and appurtenances in each building and in and about all parts of the property. No portion of the water connection and service line shall be covered over, or in any manner concealed, until after it is inspected and approved by Inspector.

4.05 Upon the installation of a new water service line, the same shall be tested by the Owner’s Contractor and have a minimum water pressure of 150 lbs per square inch and be approved by the Authority’s Engineer or Inspector.

4.06 Tap locations for new water installations shall be demarcated by GPS location by Owner or Owner’s Contractor and the information given in writing to the Authority.

4.07 No water lines shall be laid in the same trench with a sewer or gas pipe or with any facility of a public service company, or within three (3) feet of any excavation or vault.

4.08 Authority may require the Owner to hydrostatically test the water connection for leakage.

4.09 The Owner will provide, free of charge and expense to the Authority a readily accessible location near the entrance of the connection for the Meter. This location will be equipped by the Owner with valves as specified by the Authority. The Owner will also provide an exterior location for the remote readout portion of the Meter.

4.10 All new connections will be constructed with an approved meter box and appurtenances at the property line, by the Authority at the expense of the Owner. In all cases where a Water Service Line is to be replaced or repaired and the existing water meter is placed within the building, a new meter box will be placed at the property line and the existing meter removed, at the expense of the Owner. The owner costs shall also include a setter and all components for a complete functional unit.

4.11 Any building with multiple residential units will be required to have meter boxes constructed at the property line for each residential unit (an apartment building with three units will have three separate service lines and three separate meters at the property line).

4.12 The Inspector shall signify his approval of the connection by endorsing his name and the date of approval on the permit.

4.13 Upon the installation and inspection of a new water service line and water meter, the service is activated and the Owner will begin receiving monthly billings, regardless of whether the water is turned on or off.


5.01 The Authority and its duly authorized representative and employees, bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all property for the purpose of inspection, observa-tion, testing and retesting of the Meter and Water Connection at all reasonable hours.


6.01 A separate connection will be required for each Building whether constructed as a detached unit or as one of a pair or row. A single connection will be permitted to serve a school, factory, or other permanent Multiple Dwelling Unit or Multiple Use Unit structure whose individual units may not be subject to separate ownership. A single connection will not be permitted, to any permanent Multiple Dwelling Unit or Multiple Use Limit structure whose individual units can be sold separately.

6.02 No repairs, alterations or additions to any connection and/or service line shall be made unless the Person desiring to make them shall first make Application to and receive permission from the Authority.

6.03 No User shall be allowed to permit any other Persons or Buildings to use or connect with his water service line except upon written permission of the Authority.

6.04 The minimum size water service line for any Buildings shall be three quarters (3/4) inch diameter pipe where the distance from the Water Main to the Building is not more than one hundred and fifty (150) feet. The minimum size water service line for Buildings shall be one (1) inch diameter pipe where the distance from the Water Main to the Building is greater than one hundred and fifty (150) feet but less than four hundred (400) feet. The size of water service lines for Large Users and Buildings more than four hundred (400) feet from the Water Main shall be considered on an individual basis by the Authority.

6.05 Service lines and/or connections shall not be installed when the water service line passes through property which at the time may be the property owned by Persons other than the Owner of the Building to be supplied.

6.06 When an Owner desires Water Service to a Building which does not have an existing Water Main or an existing Water Main of adequate size in the roadway abutting the Building, the Owner shall be required to extend the Water Main at his sole cost. Size of the Water Main and length Water Main will have to be extended shall be determined by the Engineer.

6.07 All water pipe must be installed in accordance with the specifications and details.

6.08 All connections to the Water Main shall utilize a corporation stop and a saddle.

6.09 All Water connections shall be equipped with a curb stop and box located at the property line flush with the ground surface. A curb box sleeve is required when the curb box is placed in a paved area.

6.10 All Water Service Lines and connections shall be type “K” flexible copper with a tracer wire or high-density polyethylene Type PE3408, SDR 9 200 with a pressure rating of 200 P.S.I. run through conduit with tracer wire, with conduit backfilled with 2B stone 6” below and 6” on top or cover with building sand 6” below and 6” above and use a tracer wire.  All connections shall be compression type only utilizing Ford Grip Coupling Type C44 or equal, conforming to AWWA standards (stainless steel insert stiffeners shall be used with type PE 3408 tubing).  Underground splicing is not permitted.  In no case shall the service line contain a coupler at an interval less than one hundred (100) feet for copper, or three hundred (300) feet for polyethylene.  The use of hose type clamps or underground soldering is absolutely prohibited.  Service lines placed through foundation walls or floors shall be protected, to prevent wear of the pipe surface due to vibration or thermal expansion.  Laterals shall terminate inside the structure utilizing a brass gate or ball valve.

6.11 All Water Service Lines and connection pipe and appurtenances may be subject to a hydrostatic pressure test of 150 psi for fifteen (15) minutes with no appreciable water leakage (less than one (1) fluid ounce per one hundred (100) feet of pipe) at the sole cost of the Owner.


7.01 The Authority shall have the ultimate responsibility for the use, operation, maintenance, and repair of the Water System from the source of supply up to and including the individual curb stop. The maintenance and repair of Meters shall also be the responsibility of the Authority. In cases where damage to the Authority’s system is caused by negligence by others, the Authority will make repairs at the expense of the responsible party.

7.02 All connections to the Water System as well as all Building Con¬duits are the responsibility of the Owner and shall be maintained and repaired by the Owner at his/her own cost. The repairs to the connection shall be subject to the direction, approval, and inspection of the Authority.

7.03 The Authority reserves the sole right to turn the curb stop on or off. Should repairs to the connection be required, a plumber may obtain approval from the Authority to operate the curb stop to facilitate repairs.

7.04 The Authority reserves the sole right to remove a Meter from its setting. Should it be necessary to remove a Meter from its setting, notice shall immediately be given to the Authority.

7.05 The Authority shall in no event be responsible for maintenance, or damage done by water escaping from the connection or any other pipe or fixture on the outlet side of the curb stop.

7.06 Meter pits and remote readers must be accessible to meter readers at all times and are to be free of obstructions including but not limited to: bushes, gardens and driveways. The Owner shall keep the Water Connection from the curb stop to the Meter in good condition at all times under penalty of discon¬tinuance of service by the Authority, upon forty-eight (48) hours’ notice. However, should a serious leak on the Owner’s property threaten the Authority’s supply, the Authority reserves the right to discontinue service without notice until such time as the condition is corrected.

7.07 In the case of leaks, the location of which are not readily apparent, the Authority will, upon request of the Owner, excavate in and about the curb stop for the purpose of determining the responsibility for leak. The Authority shall assume the costs of work if it is found that the leak is located between the curb stop and main. If the leak is determined to be between the curb stop and Building, the Owner shall reimburse the Authority for the actual costs of the work required to determine responsibility.

7.08 Before making any repairs to or replacing any Water Service Line, the Owner shall make application to the Authority for inspection of the proposed work. The Owner shall be responsible for paying the Repair Charge as set forth in these Rules, Regulations and Policy.

7.09 In the case of repairs of plastic Service Lines, the Authority shall require the Owner to replace the existing plastic Service Line in its entirety with copper piping with a tracer wire or high-density polyethylene Type PE3408, SDR 9 200 with a pressure rating of 200 P.S.I. run through conduit with a tracer wire with conduit backfilled with 2B stone 6” below and 6” on top or covered with building sand 6” below and 6” above and use a tracer wire.  All connections shall be compression type only utilizing Ford Grip Coupling Type C44 or equal, conforming to AWWA standards (stainless steel insert stiffeners shall be used with type PE 3408 tubing).  Underground splicing is not permitted.  In no case shall the service line contain a coupler at an interval less than one hundred (100) feet for copper, or three hundred (300) feet for polyethylene.  The use of hose type clamps or underground soldering is absolutely prohibited.  Service lines placed through foundation walls or floors shall be protected, to prevent wear of the pipe surface due to vibration or thermal expansion.  Laterals shall terminate inside the structure utilizing a brass gate or ball valve.  Patch repairs of plastic piping will not be allowed.

7.10 The Authority may at any time require User to install in connection with his service pipes, such valves, pressure regulators, tanks, or other apparatus as may be in the opinion of the Authority, required for the safeguarding and protection of the Authority’s property or water supply.

7.11 All Meter installations are the property of the Authority and will be maintained and repaired, for ordinary wear and tear by the Authority. However, should damage to the Meter occur due to freezing, hot water, carelessness, or negligence, the repairs shall be at the expense of the Owner.

7.12 The User shall notify the Authority of any injury to or any cessation in registration of the Meter, as soon as it comes to his/her knowledge.

7.13 No seal placed by the Authority shall be tampered with or defaced. It shall not be broken except upon authorization from the Authority. Where the seal is broken, the Authority reserves the right to remove the Meter for test at the expense of the Owner. It is a violation of Clause 6, Section 34, Act of 1974 of the Laws of Pennsylvania to break or deface the seal of, or otherwise damage a Meter.

7.14 When it is necessary to renew an existing Water Tap, the Authority will renew Water Tap of the same size in the same location as the old one. If the Owner, for his own convenience, desires the new Water Tap at some other location, and agrees to pay all expenses of shutting off the old Water Tap at the main and the cost of corporation stop and saddle, and additional pipe, excavation, and resurfacing, if any, the Authority will place the new Water Tap at the location desired.

7.15 When the Owner desires a change in location or size of an existing Water Tap, the cost of the change shall be borne by the Owner.


8.01 No Person shall open any fire hydrant or use any water from hydrant for sprinkling streets, construction or any purpose without a permit from the Authority, under the penalty pre¬scribed by law, except in case of fire or by fire companies to test the hydrants. Such tests shall be made only under supervision of an authorized agent of the Authority.

8.02 No Person shall, without a permit from the Authority, interfere with any fire hydrant, and no Person shall place any material of any description within 8 feet of any fire hydrant or over a valve box.

8.03 No person shall cause their water service and/or water meter to be turned on, turned off, tampered with, damaged or manipulated for any purpose. Water service shut off by the Authority shall be re-instated by the Authority only. Any person violating this sub-section shall be fined $1000.00 and their curb box shall be filled with fine aggregate. Removal of the aggregate will require payment of the $1000.00 fine; past due fees and $75.00 for the cost of removal.

8.04 No outlet shall be permitted on the Water Tap or Water Service Line supplying a Building, between the Water Main and Meter. All water used must pass through the Meter.


9.01 No connection shall be made between pipes or containers carrying water supplied by the Authority and pipes or containers carrying water from any other source unless the proposed cross connection has written approval from the Authority.


10.01 The Authority shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure in the supply when occasioned by shutting off water to make repairs or connections or failure from any causes beyond control. House boilers must, in all cases, be provided with proper valves to prevent damage when water is shut off.

10.02 The Authority reserves the right to reserve a sufficient supply of water at all times to provide for public health, fire pro¬tection and other emergencies. In the event of any accident or damage to any part of its works or equipment or breakdown of machinery, or bursting of any main or any other occurrence affecting its plant or equipment or operation, the Authority shall not be liable to any Person for any claim or damage arising from an interruption in service, inadequate supply or pressure, quality of water or any cause beyond its control.

10.03 The Authority shall have the authority to prohibit the use of hoses for street, lawn or garden sprinkling or for any other purpose when, in its judgement, such action is necessary for the preservation of the water supply. In such event, due notice shall be given by publication in at least one newspaper of local circulation. Should any User fail to comply with the require¬ments of the notice, water service to User shall be terminated and service shall not be restored until all the costs of ter¬minating and initiating the water have been paid.

10.04 If at any time the total water supply shall be insufficient to meet all of the needs of all the users for domestic, commercial, and industrial purposes, the Authority must first satisfy all the Users for domestic purposes before supplying any water for any other purposes or uses.


11.01 Failure to receive a bill shall not exempt the User from his responsibility to make prompt payment. The presentation of a bill to the User is only a matter of accommodation.

11.02 All Meters shall be read monthly and the quantities recorded by the Meter shall be considered conclu¬sive by both the User and the Authority, except when the Meter has been found to register incorrectly or has ceased to register. In this event, the Authority will estimate the bill taking into consideration average past registrations, or by any fair or reasonable method, and the finding thus determined shall be final and binding upon both parties. Meter readings may be estimated during times of inclement weather, as determined by Authority Manager.

11.03 Whenever ownership of a Building is transferred, the new Owner must notify the Authority as provided for in these Rules, Regulations and Policy. Failure to do so will result in the discontinuance of the water supply.

11.04 In any instance where a Building has not, for any reason, had a Meter installed, the Authority will estimate the bill, taking into consideration usage by other Buildings having similar characteristics, or by any fair or reasonable method, and the finding of the Authority in this regard shall be conclusive upon both parties. However, if the absence of a Meter is a result of refusal or failure of the Owner of Building to have a Meter in¬stalled, the bill shall be established by the Authority at an amount equal to the maximum bill for any Building of similar characteristics for service during billing period, and the de¬termination of the Authority in this regard shall be conclusive upon both parties.

11.05 The bills for repairs or replacement of damaged Meter installa¬tions or parts will be rendered to the User and shall be due within thirty (30) days after presentation of bill.

11.06 The Owner of each Building is ultimately responsible for the pay¬ment of all water bills.


12.01 The water rates and charges imposed hereunder shall be paid not later than the due date appearing on the bill. If not paid before or on the due date, the charge shall bear interest at a rate of maximum allowed by law. If not paid within thirty (30) days after due date, the bills shall be deemed to be delinquent, and service to Building may be discontinued until all delinquent bills, penalties, and charges against the Building have been paid. All delinquent water rentals and all penalties and charges shall be subject to a lien against property in the office of the Prothonotary of Blair County and may be collected in a manner provided by law.

12.02 Payments mailed, as evidenced by receipt at the Blair Township Water and Sewer Authority office, on or prior to the end of the thirty (30) day period will be deemed to be a payment within time period.

12.03 Any account for water service that becomes delinquent more than 30 days shall, in addition to all other fees, be subject to an Administrative fee for the administrative costs to collect said monies.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.


13.01 Application for water service may be canceled or water service discontinued on forty-eight (48) hours’ notice for violation of any of the following reasons:

A. Failure of User to pay water bill and other charges when due.
B. Tampering with any Meter or with any service pipe or curb stop or box, or permitting tampering by others.
C. Use of water by a User for any purpose other than described in the Application.
D. Use of water by a User at any location other than described in the Application.
E. Waste of water by a User.
F. Vacancy of Building.
G. Failure of User to maintain service line and/or connection between the curb box and Meter in good order.
H. Refusal of access to property for purpose of inspecting, reading, maintaining or removing Meters.
I. Failure to comply with water use restrictions which may be im¬posed from time to time.
J. Violation by a User of any the Rules, Regulations and Policy.
K. Pursuant to any other laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

13.02 Any damage to Water Tap and/or Water Mains caused by careless undermining or by negligent excavating or backfilling of exca¬vation for private drains, sewers or other purposes shall be chargeable to the Person causing damage, and if the charge to repair Water Tap and/or Water Main is not paid within thirty (30) days the Authority reserves the right to discontinue water service.

13.03 The Authority shall have the right to interrupt water supply without notice in case of breakdowns or for other unavoidable causes, or for the purpose of making necessary repair or con¬nections. Reasonable notice will be given when practicable. In no case shall the Authority be liable for any damage or in¬convenience suffered.

13.04 When two or more Buildings are supplied through a single water service, any violation of the Rules, Regulations and Policy of the Authority by any one Owner shall be deemed a violation by all, and the Authority may enforce compliance with this Rule by shutting off the entire service, except that action shall not be taken until the non-violating Owner(s) has been given a reasonable notice and opportunity to install separate Water Taps. Any new construction shall comply with the Authority’s Rules, Regulations and Policy concerning separate service line construction. In any case where an existing multiple connection is being repaired, the Authority will require separate Water Taps to be constructed, at the expense of the individual Owners.


14.01 A Water Tap fee shall be charged for each 3/4 inch Service Line. The service line fee includes the connection, permit fee and an inspection fee. Users will be allowed one free return inspection to address comments from the initial inspection. Users requiring subsequent inspections will be charged an additional $50.00 per visit. Additional charges for construction of the Water Tap shall be at the sole cost of the User.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fees.

14.02 The Authority shall furnish and install a water meter and MXU transmitter as part of the Water Tap fee. The Authority shall also furnish the pit, lid, and setter and install these according to the BTWSA specifications as part of the Water Tap fee.


15.01 Any User desiring a supply of water from a previously dis¬continued service and each new Owner of a Building then con¬nected must submit with his Application for Service a payment for initiating service. No Service shall be furnished by the Authority to Consumer until all arrears for water rents, water repairs, or other charges then incurred or previously owed with respect to Building shall have been paid, or satisfactory arrangement for payment has been made.

15.02 Any Owner desiring temporary or permanent discontinuance of service shall notify the Authority in writing of this desire along with a payment for terminating service. Upon discontinuation of the water service, the Authority will continue to read and bill the Owner at the current rate, which will include any usage incurred between the last meter reading and the termination of service and the monthly basic charge.  Terminating water service at the desire of the Owner is meant to provide peace of mind, and is not for the purpose of eliminating a monthly bill.  As long as the connection between the building and the water main remains, the Account shall remain in the active status and will continue to generate a monthly bill.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

15.03 Any Owner desiring to transfer ownership of property and water service shall notify the Authority in writing of this desire and a Final Meter reading and Bill will be prepared and subject to a fee to the Owner. The bill shall be due and payable within ten (10) days of transfer.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

15.04 Service Line replacements and repairs will be subject to a Repair Charge. This charge includes a permit fee and an inspection fee. Users will be allowed one free return inspection to address comments from the initial inspection. Users requiring subsequent inspections will be charged an additional $50.00 per visit.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fees.

15.05 At the written request of a User, the Authority will conduct a test of the accuracy of the Meter supplying his Building. A deposit of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for Meters one (1) inch in diameter and smaller, and Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per inch in diameter or fraction thereof for Meter larger than one (1) inch shall be required before the Meter is tested, which sum will be returned if the Meter is found to be registering more than four percent (4%) against the User; otherwise, the deposit will be retained by the Authority to cover the cost of the test. In no case will correction of billing for Meter inaccuracy be made for a longer period than three (3) months prior to date of test, unless the Authority is satisfied that inaccuracy has been of longer duration.

15.06 The charge for the reinstallation or changing of a Meter when removed because damaged in any way due to the negligence of the Consumer shall be equal to the deposit specified above plus the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged meter.

15.07 A temporary supply of water for building homes or other construc¬tion proposed, except on premises already receiving water service, shall be specially applied for. Water so supplied shall be by Meter only. The Authority, in addition to the assessments set forth in Section 16, may require a deposit to cover the current discontinuance of service. The contractor shall be held re¬sponsible for the theft or physical damage to Meter, reasonable wear and tear excepted, When application is made for temporary use of Water, requiring a temporary Connection, the cost of in¬stallation and removal of temporary facilities shall be borne by the applicant and the estimated cost thereof shall be paid to the Authority before service is provided. Adjustments to this prepayment will be made upon removal of the temporary service.

15.08 When anyone desires to secure a supply of water through a fire hydrant for opening a wastewater main or for any other purpose, the appli¬cant shall obtain from the Authority a permit and shall pay to the Authority a fee then current for the water furnished. The Authority in all cases shall provide the services of an attendant for opera¬ting the fire hydrant, and a current hourly charge for the work necessary on behalf of the applicant shall be charged to appli¬cant for the services provided. When a supply of water through a fire hydrant is desired for any purpose, which in the dis¬cretion of the Authority is a charitable purpose, the supply of water shall be free of charge. Water obtained from fire hydrants for filling fire trucks shall be from fire hydrants at locations approved by Authority and at times approved by Authority.

15.09 The Blair Township Water & Sewer Authority shall no longer give sewer credits relating to the filling of swimming pools or relating to irrigation credits where a customer may have a sprinkler system to water their lawn. Whatever water is used, a commensurate sewer bill shall be emanated from the same with no credits being given.

15.10 The Authority, upon written request and verification of purpose, will complete and issue a “No Lien Letter” or an “Account Balance Inquiry,” upon payment of a processing fee.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

15.11 If the Authority discontinues service for any reason listed in Section 13.01, a termination fee will be charged to the User before service is restored.  Upon discontinuation of the water service, the Authority will continue to read and bill the Owner at the current rate, which will include any usage incurred between the last meter reading and the termination of service and the monthly basic charge.  As long as the connection between the building and the water main remains, the Account shall remain in the active status and will continue to generate a monthly bill.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fees.


16.01 The current monthly water rate can be found on the Rates Summary Sheet.

16.02 Users requiring a large service and meter should contact the Authority for the appropriate rate determination.

16.03 Where an apartment or other multiple use Building receives service through a single Meter under contract with a single Owner the rate shall be calculated at follows:
(1) Divide the total measured flow by number of units.
(2) Calculate the charge for the flow arrived at in (1).

16.04 Once the water service line construction is complete and inspection, the Authority will install their service meter in the meter pit. Upon installation of the meter, the service is activated and the property owner will begin receiving monthly billings.

16.05 Where a customer has a past due account and service to that property has been terminated, water service will not be restored to that property until all back water bills, costs and expenses due to the authority are paid in full.


17.01 Sprinkler systems will be designed, sized and installed in accordance with the International Building Codes, Township Codes and State Fire Codes.

17.02 Two options are available for water service for sprinkler systems from the Authority’s water system:
A. Internal Reservoir and Pump System
B. Separate Sprinkler System Tap and Service Line

17.03 Internal Reservoir and Pump System will have a cross connection control system to prevent backflow to the structure water system and also the Authority’s water system. This will be verified by any duly appointed employee or agent of Blair Township Water & Sewer Authority or by any Township Code Enforcement Officer so appointed. It is further understood that any such representative as herein indicated shall have the right from time to time to enter the customer’s property for inspection and/or enforcement. Any inspection and/or costs incurred by the Blair Township Water & Sewer Authority in inspecting either of the systems shall be borne by the customer.

17.04 Should a separate sprinkler system tap and service be the installation choice made by the customer, the sprinkler service line size will be certified and designed by the sprinkler system design engineer. The system designer will obtain pressures and calculate available water volume. In no circumstance will any sprinkler service line be less than 1” in diameter.

17.05 The sprinkler service line will have a meter box, meter and backflow preventer at the property line.

17.06 A separate tap fee along with the actual cost of construction of the tap and meter assembly will be required for the sprinkler service line. The tap fee shall be the responsibility of the customer.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

17.07 There will be no separate billing for water use for the sprinkler service line after it is installed. However, the cost of the initial filling of the tank and testing of the tank shall be paid for by the customer. Therefore, there will be no flat rate on the sprinkler service line.

17.08 Should a property owner not pay their water and/or sewer bill, a lien will be placed on the property and the domestic service line will be shut off in accordance with the Authority’s Rules and Regulations. The sprinkler service line will remain active and that meter will continue to be read.

17.09 Any use of a sprinkler service line other than its intended use will be deemed a theft of service and/or a violation of the Blair Township Ordinance relating to sprinkler systems and said customer shall be subject to the penalties set forth thereafter.



Purchased Water – Metered Usage:

Metered Area (per EDU) $18.00 monthly base rate + $12.50/1000 gallons

Domestic Water Permit fee (per EDU):  $2,500.00

Fire Line Permit fee (per EDU):  $2,500.00


Wastewater – Metered and Non-Metered:

Metered Area $40.35 Base Rate for the first 2000 gallons + $9.25/1000 gallons up to 10,000 gallons. Starting at 10,001 gallons, a Consumption Charge of $40.35 + $9.25/1000 gallons up to 20,000 gallons.  The same rate structure shall repeat for each additional 10,000 gallons. Consumption Charges do not include a 2000-gallon allocation. The Consumption Charge of $40.35 shall be applied on gallon 10,001, gallon 20,001, etc.
Flat Rate Area (per EDU) $55.00
Newry Borough (per EDU) $65.00

Domestic Wastewater Permit fee (per EDU):  $2,550.00 + Applicable Capacity Fee

Duncansville Capacity Fee (per EDU):  $1,500.00

Newry Capacity Fee (per EDU):  $1,500.00


Initiate New Service $50.00 New Customer Account
Account Balance Inquiry $50.00 in Advance w/request
Transfer of Ownership $50.00 Final Bill fee
Payment over 30 Days Past Due $50.00 Administrative fee
Payment over 90 Days Past Due $50.00 Administrative fee
Place/Lift Municipal Lien $325.00 Legal fee
Collection through Court System $1,500.00 Legal fee + any additional incurred
Returned Check $50.00 Service Charge
Water Shut Off $50.00 Shut Off fee
Failure to Connect $50.00/day
Failure to Notify Transfer of Ownership $50.00/day
Damage to Line or Tap $50.00/day
Developer Review fee $5,000.00 in Advance + any additional incurred