Wastewater System Definitions

 Disclaimer:  Please note that the Rules and Regulations are constantly changing.  For this reason, some of the newest changes might not be reflected here on the website.  You can view an updated copy of the Rules and Regulations at our office location.

Section 1 – Prohibition of Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Privy Vaults
Section 2 – Required Connection
Section 3 – Failure to Connect
Section 4 – Conditions and Procedures for Initial Service
Section 5 – Right of Inspection
Section 6 – Specifications and Standards
Section 7 – Maintenance and Repair
Section 8 – Unlawful Use of Wastewater System
Section 9 – Prohibited Wastes
Section 10 – Pretreatment
Section 11 – Billing
Section 12 – Late Payments
Section 13 – Discontinuance of Service
Section 14 – Wastewater Service Line Charge
Section 15 – Miscellaneous Charges
Section 16 – Rates
Section 17 – Grinder Pumps
Section 18 – Sanitary Sewer Compliance Post Blair Township Water and Sewer Authority                               Main Sewer Line Replacement Projects
Section 19 – Rates Summary Sheet


1.01 It shall be unlawful for any Owner of property within the Town¬ship who is required to connect to the Wastewater System to employ any means, either by septic tank, cesspool, privy vault, or other depository for the disposal of acceptable wastewater other than into and through the said Wastewater System. No Connection, to any Wastewater Main, will be allowed from any septic tank, cesspool, privy vault, or other depository. Such depositories, at the time of making of the Connection of the Building to the Wastewater System, shall be abandoned and filled with select fill.


2.01 Each Owner of any Building within the Township, located on property abutting any street, alley or right of way in which a Wastewater Main has been provided by the Authority and where any part of a Building is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of Wastewater Main, at his own expense shall connect Building to the Wastewater System in accordance with the Authority’s Rules, Regulations, and Policy within sixty (60) days after the date of official written notice to do so from the Authority, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Authority.


3.01 In the event any Owner of any building in the Township shall refuse or neglects to connect as required within the sixty (60) day period, he shall be deemed to be in violation of the Authority’s Rules, Regulations, and Policy and the Authority or its agents may enter upon property to perform or cause to be performed such work and labor or cause to be furnished such material as may be necessary to make the Connection. In such case, the Authority shall, upon connection of the work, send an itemized bill of the actual costs incurred, therefore, together with a ten (10) percent addition thereof and all charges and expenses thereto. In case of neglect or refusal by Owner to pay bill within thirty (30) days, it shall be the duty of the Authority to file municipal liens. No Owner of a Building shall be required to connect Building to Wastewater System if the Authority determines that available capacity to the Authority is insufficient to serve said Building.

In the alternative, any person who fails to make a proper connection to the Wastewater System within the time specified after receipt of proper notice or after obtaining a time extension in writing from the Authority shall, upon conviction thereof before a District Magistrate, pay a fine or penalty of $50.00 for each day that the violation continues.


4.01 No person shall make or cause to be made any connection with the public Wastewater System until they have fulfilled all of the follow¬ing conditions and procedures:

A. Any person desiring the introduction of a Wastewater Service Line (Lateral) and/or Wastewater Tap from the Authority’s Wastewater System to service their Building must first make a written Application for a permit on a form furnished by the Authority, at least two (2) weeks before the service is required, stating the address location, the name of the User, the pur¬pose for which service will be used, the size/length of Lateral and connection desired. No work of any nature shall commence before the issuance of the aforementioned permit.
B. The Application must be signed by the Owner of the building or his duly authorized agent. The Application together with the Rules, Regulations, and Policy of the Authority shall regulate and con¬trol the provisions of wastewater service to the Building.
C. The Application must be accompanied by the required Wastewater Tap charge and any other fees established by the Authority.
D. The Application must contain indication of the date when the connection will be ready for inspection and making connection.
E The Owner will be granted a permit form upon meeting the Authority’s Application procedure.

4.02 When an Application has been made for a new service or for rein¬statement of or change in an existing service, it is assumed that all plumbing, piping and fixtures which will be serviced are in order to receive the service; and the Authority shall not be liable in any case for any accident, backup, break, or leakage arising in any way in connection with the acceptance of wastewater flow or failure to accept wastewater flow, or the freezing of pipes or fixtures, nor for any damage to the Building from the usage or non-usage of the Wastewater Tap provided to the building.

4.03 The Owner shall notify the Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time when the connection will be made in order that Inspector can be present to inspect and approve the work of connection.

4.04 At the time of inspection for the connection and lateral, the Owner shall per¬mit the Inspector full and complete access to all pipes and appurtenances, sanitary and drainage facilities, in each Building and in and about all parts of the property. No portion of the connection and lateral shall be covered over, or in any manner concealed, until after it is inspected and approved by Inspector.

4.05 Upon the installation of a new lateral the same shall be tested by the Owner’s Contractor which will have a minimum requirement of 5 lbs air per square inch or water tested having a ten (10) foot column of water and approved by the Authority’s Engineering or Inspector.

4.06 Tap locations for new sewer installations shall be demarcated by GPS location by Owner or Owner’s Contractor and information thereof given in writing to the Authority.

4.07 No wastewater lines shall be laid in the same trench with a water or gas pipe or with any facility of a public service company, or within three (3) feet of any excavation.

4.08 The Inspector shall signify his approval of the connection by endorsing his name and the date of approval on the aforementioned permit.

4.09 Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, the Authority shall at all times reserve the right to withhold the issuance of any permit for connection to the Wastewater System unless the applicant provides collateral or security as the Authority in its sole and absolute discretion deems adequate to insure a fund from which all costs and expenses can be paid for the construction of any necessary connection from the existing Wastewater main to the Owner’s property in the event the Owner or any successor fails to complete said construction.

4.10 Upon the installation and inspection of a new wastewater service line, the service is activated and the Owner will begin receiving monthly billings, regardless of whether there is water service to the property.


5.01 The Authority and its duly authorized representatives and employees, bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all property for the purpose of inspection, observation, testing and re-testing the lateral and all other matters pertaining to the discharge of wastes to the Wastewater System to insure compliance with the Rules, Regulations and Policy, at all reasonable hours.


6.01 A separate connection shall be required for each Building whether constructed as a detached unit or as one of a pair or row. A single connection may be permitted to serve a school, factory or other permanent Multiple Dwelling Unit or Multiple Use Unit structure whose individual units may not be subject to separate ownership, at the discretion of the Authority.

6.02 No repairs, alterations or additions to any connection and/or lateral shall be made unless the Person desiring to make same shall first make application to and receive permission from the Authority.

6.03 No User shall be allowed to permit any other Persons or Buildings to use or connect with his lateral except upon written per¬mission of the Authority.

6.04 The minimum size lateral for any Buildings shall be four (4) inch diameter pipe laid on a minimum grade of one quarter (1/4) inch per foot of length, and having permanently sealed water tight and gas tight joints. The size of the lateral serving other than detached residential units shall be considered on an individual basis by the Authority.

6.05 Laterals and/or Wastewater Tap connections shall not be installed when the lateral would pass through property which at the time may be the property owned by Persons other than the Owner of the Building to be served.

6.06 When an Owner desires Wastewater Service to a Building which does not have any existing Wastewater Main or an existing Wastewater Main of adequate capacity in the roadway abutting the Building, the Owner shall be required to extend the Wastewater Main at his sole cost. Size of the Wastewater Main and length that Wastewater Main will have to be extended shall be determined by the Authority’s Engineer. Said extension shall require the written permission of the Authority, and, if appropriate, the proper Commonwealth Permits obtained in the name of the Authority at the sole cost of the Owner.

6.07 All wastewater pipe shall be placed in accordance with the specifications and details.

6.08 All connections to a new Wastewater Main shall utilize a poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) wye conforming to ASTM D3034 or equal. All con¬nections to an existing Wastewater Main shall utilize a PVC saddle conforming to ASTM D3034. The saddle shall have a double stain¬less steel strap. The wastewater lateral shall be installed with a tracer wire.

6.09 An observation port shall be installed and maintained by the Owner at the property line or the point of connection to the Wastewater Tap.


7.01 The Authority shall have the ultimate responsibility for the use, operation, maintenance, and repair of the Wastewater System from the terminal point of the interceptors up to the point of connection. In cases where damage to the Authority’s system is caused by negligence by others, the Authority will make repairs at the expense of the responsible party.

7.02 All lateral connections to the Wastewater System are the responsibility of the Owner and shall be maintained and repaired by the Owner at his own cost. The repairs to the lateral connection shall be subject to the direction, approval, and inspection of the Authority.

7.03 The Authority reserves the sole right to excavate or allow excavation of any Wastewater System component.

7.04 The Authority shall in no event be responsible for maintenance or damage done by wastewater escaping from the lateral connection or any other pipe or fixture on the inlet side of the point of Wastewater Tap connection.

7.05A The Owners with public water service shall keep the lateral to the building in good condition at all times under penalty of paying for labor and repair parts and/or discontinuance of service by the Authority, upon forty-eight (48) hours’ notice. However, should a serious break or other accident occur on the Owner’s property, which would threaten the Authority’s Wastewater System or its capacity, the Authority reserves the right to discontinue service without notice until such time as the condition is corrected.

7.05B The Owners without public water service shall keep the lateral to the building in good condition at all times under penalty of paying for labor and repair parts for service by the Authority, upon forty-eight (48) hours’ notice. However, should a serious break or other accident occur on the Owner’s property, which would threaten the Authority’s Wastewater System or its capacity, the Authority reserves the right to correct the problem at the owner’s expense without notice, to protect the Authority’s system.

7.06 Before making any repairs to or replacing any lateral and/or connection, the Owner shall make application to the Authority for inspection of the proposed work. The Owner shall be responsible for paying the Repair Charge as set forth in these Rules, Regulations and Policy.

7.07 In the case of leakage, either into, or out of the Wastewater Lines, the location of which is not readily apparent through the observation port, the Authority will excavate in and about the point of connection for the purpose of determining the responsibility for the leak. The Authority shall assume the costs of work if it is found that the leak is located between the point of connection and the Wastewater Main (Wastewater Tap). If the leak is determined to be between the point of connection and the Building (Lateral), the Owner shall reimburse the Authority for the actual costs of the work required to determine responsibility.

7.08 The Authority may, at any time, require Users to install in connection with their service pipes, such vents, traps, gates, or other apparatuses, as may be in the opinion of the Authority, required for the safeguarding and protection of the Authority’s and/or Owner’s property.  Moreover, owners shall be required from time to time to maintain said grease traps and shall provide verification in writing to the Authority of the maintenance thereof upon request by the Authority’s representative.  Likewise, owners shall be required to provide copies of pump slips from their haulers upon demand; pumping shall be done no less than annually and may be more as dictated by usage.

7.09 When it is necessary to renew an existing Wastewater Tap, the Authority will renew the Wastewater Tap of the same size in the same location as the old one. If the owner, for his own convenience, desires the new Wastewater Tap at some other location, and agrees to pay all expenses of terminating the old Wastewater Tap at the main wye or tee, and all the costs of a new wye or tee on the main and any additional pipe, excavation, and resurfacing, if any, the Authority will place the new Wastewater Tap at the location desired if possible.

7.10 When the Owner desires a change in location or size of an existing Wastewater Tap, the cost of the change shall be borne entirely by the Owner.

7.11 All grinder pumps shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner.  The Owner shall at all times maintain, repair or replace any grinder pump serving their building.


8.01 No Person connected to a Wastewater Tap of the Authority’s Wastewater System shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the Wastewater System any stormwater, surface drainage, ground drainage, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, spring water, sump pumps, basement drains, or foundation drainage, or henceforth connect to or cause to be connected to the Wastewater System in any way, whether internal or external to any building, any pipe, tile, or other conduit that has the capacity or purpose of con­veying such waters.

8.02 No Person shall connect, cause to be connected, or allow any other Person to connect to the Wastewater System any Building or other source of water or waste other than that for which the permit is or has been issued.

8.03 No Person shall connect, cause to be connected, or allow any other Person to connect, in any way to the Wastewater System any septic tank, cesspool, privy vault, or other depository of sewage or wastes, or cause or allow any discharge from any of said deposi¬tories to the Wastewater System, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Authority.

8.04 No Person shall make, or cause to be made, any cross connection between any pipe, fixture, or other appurtenance connected in any way to the Wastewater System and any public or private component of any potable water system or source whereby, in the opinion of the Authority, the potential exists for vacuums or back siphonage which could permit sanitary wastes to enter a potable water system or source.


9.01 The discharge of excessive amounts of unpolluted water or waste to the Wastewater System is expressly prohibited. The Authority re¬serves the right to define the amount it deems excessive in each particular instance.

9.02 The discharge of household garbage to the Wastewater System is ex¬pressly prohibited unless such garbage is first property shredded.

9.03 The discharge of Wastewater or wastes to the Wastewater System from any property or Building, other than for which a permit has been issued in accordance with these Rules, Regulations and Policy is expressly prohibited.

9.04 The discharge of any wastes containing ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, cloths, disposable cleaning cloths, Q-tips, wipes, diapers,  socks, grit, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, hair, sanitary napkins or tampons, chemical or paint residues, greases, paunch manure, animal guts or tissues, bones, hair hides or fleshing, entrails, whole blood, spent grain or hops, lime slurry, or any viscose material of such character or in such quantity that, in the opinion of the Authority, they may cause an obstruction to the flow in the Wastewater System or otherwise interfere with the proper operation of the Wastewater System and any treatment facilities serving the Wastewater System, shall be prohibited.

9.05 The discharge of any gasoline, benzine, naptha, fuel oil, or other inflammable or explosive liquids, solids or gases, or any liquids, solids, or gases which by reason of their nature or quality may be in any way injurious to persons, property, or the equipment or structures of the Wastewater System or its operation, is prohibited.

9.06 The discharge of wastes containing any noxious, toxic, or malodorous gas or substance which either singly or by inter¬action with Wastewater or other wastes may, in the opinion of the Authority, create a public nuisance or hazard to life or property, or prevent entry to Wastewater System structures for main¬tenance and repair, is prohibited.

9.07 The discharge of wastes containing toxic radioactive isotopes is prohibited.

9.08 The discharge of any other wastes not previously mentioned which are prohibited by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, or prohibited by the Ordinances or Rules and Regula¬tions of the Hollidaysburg Borough, Duncansville Borough and Freedom Township, Blair County, or their respective authorities, by type, character or concentra¬tion, is prohibited.


10.01 The pretreatment requirements of Hollidaysburg Borough, Duncansville Borough and Freedom Township are incorporated by reference above. A copy of each is contained in the appendixes.


11.01 Failure to receive a bill shall not exempt the User from his responsibility to make prompt payment. The presentation of a bill to the User is only a matter of accommodation.

11.02 Whenever ownership of a Building is transferred, the new Owner must notify the Authority of the change as provided for in these Rules, Regulations and Policy. Failure to do so will result in a $25 per day fine for illegal use of the wastewater system.

11.03 The Owner of each Building is ultimately responsible for the payment of all Wastewater bills.

11.04 As long as a wastewater service line is connected to our wasterwater collection system, the service is active and the Owner will receive a monthly bill, regardless of whether there is water to the property or not.  The only way to eliminate a monthly bill is to disconnect the lateral from the property by digging up the line and capping it. The lateral must be cut apart and capped off, thus making the dwelling uninhabitable. This procedure must be inspected by a BTWSA employee before the disconnected line is covered over.


12.01 The Wastewater rates and charges imposed hereunder shall be paid not later than the due date appearing on the bill. If not paid before or on the due date, the charge shall bear interest at a rate of maximum allowed by law. If not paid within thirty (30) days after due date, the bills shall be deemed to be delinquent, and service to Building may be discontinued until all delinquent bills, penalties, and charges against the Building have been paid. All delinquent Wastewater rentals and all penalties and charges shall be subject to a lien against property in the office of the Prothonotary of Blair County and may be collected in a manner provided by law.

12.02 Payments mailed as evidenced by receipt at the Blair Township Water and Sewer Authority office, on or prior to the end of the thirty (30) day period will be deemed to be a payment within time period.


13.01 Application for Wastewater service (if on public water) may be canceled including shutting off of the water service, or (if not on public water) fines of $50 per day along with restitution, will be incurred for any of the following reasons:

A. Failure of User to pay Wastewater bill and other charges when due.
B. Tampering with any service pipe or permitting tampering by others.
C. Use of Wastewater service by User for any purpose other than described in the Application.
D. Use of Wastewater service by a User at any location other than described in the Application.
E. Unlawful use of the Wastewater System by a User or discharge of pro­hibited wastes into the Wastewater System by a User.
F. Vacancy of Building.
G. Failure of User to maintain Lateral and/or connection in good order.
H. Refusal of access to property to authorized representatives of the Authority.
. Failure to comply with any Wastewater use restrictions which may be imposed.
J. Violation by User of any of the Rules, Regulations and Policy.
K. Pursuant to any other laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

13.02 Any damage to Wastewater Tap and/or Wastewater Mains caused by careless undermining or by negligent excavating or backfilling of exca­vating for private drains, Wastewater lines or other purpose shall be chargeable to the Person causing damage, and if the charge to repair Wastewater Tap and/or Wastewater Main is not paid within 10 days the Authority reserves the right to impose a $50 fine per day (if not on public water) along with restitution, and (if on public water) may include shutting off of water service.

13.03 The Authority shall have the right to interrupt Wastewater service without notice in case of breakdowns or for other unavoidable causes, or for the purpose of making necessary repair or con-nections. Reasonable notice will be given when practicable. In no case shall the Authority be liable for any damage or in¬convenience suffered.

13.04 When two or more Buildings are supplied through a single Lateral, any violation of the Rules, Regulations and Policy of the Authority by any one Owner shall be deemed a violation by all, and the Authority may enforce compliance with this Rule by imposing a $50 fine per day along with restitution (if not on public water), but if on public water may include shutting off of the water service, except that action shall not be taken until the non-violating Owner(s) has been given a reasonable notice and opportunity to install a separate Wastewater Tap. Any new construction shall comply with the Authority’s Rules, Regulations and Policy concerning separate lateral construction.


14.01 A Wastewater Tap fee will be charged for new connections to the wastewater system. The fee includes an initial inspection fee.  Users will be allowed one free return inspection to address comments from the initial inspection.  Additional inspections will be charged at $50.00 per visit.  In addition, if there is a Capacity Fee currently being charged by the community wastewater treatment facility receiving the wastewater, the User will also be responsible for that corresponding fee.  All costs and charges for the construction of the wastewater tap, observation port, wastewater service line and appurtenances shall be the sole responsibility of the User.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fees.

14.02 The Wastewater Tap fee for mobile home parks will be calculated based upon the full capacity of the park. Additional units, beyond the original capacity will be billed the then current Tap fee per individual unit.


15.01 Any User desiring Wastewater service from a previously discontinued service and each new Owner of a Building then connected must submit with his Application for Service a payment for initiating service. No service shall be furnished by the Authority to User until all arrears for wastewater rents, wastewater repairs, or other charges then incurred or previously owed with respect to Building shall have been paid, or satisfactory arrang¬ement for payment has been made.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

15.02 Any Owner of property wishing to discontinue service from a wastewater lateral must notify the Authority of the intent and schedule in writing. The property owner shall dig on their side of the observation port (within 3 feet). The lateral shall be cleanly cut, a section removed and a cap installed. The Authority shall be onsite for inspection of the work. All work is at Owner’s expense. Future reconnection will require the payment of the appropriate tapping fee and inspection fee.

15.03 Any User desiring a discontinuance of service shall notify the Authority in writing of this desire along with a payment for terminating service. The Authority upon terminating service shall make a final bill and the final bill shall be due and payable within 10 days of termination of service. If the Authority terminates service for any reason listed in section 13.01, a Reactivation Fee will be charged to the Owner before service is restored.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fees.

15.04 Any Owner desiring to transfer ownership of property and Wastewater Service shall notify the Authority in writing of this desire and a Final Bill will be prepared and subject to a fee to the Owner. The bill shall be due and payable within 10 days of transfer.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

15.05 Service Line replacements and repairs will be subject to a Repair Charge. This charge includes a permit fee and an inspection fee. Users will be allowed one free return inspection to address comments from the initial inspection. Users requiring subsequent inspections will be charged an additional $50.00 per visit.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fees.

15.06 Any account for sewer service that becomes delinquent more than 30 days shall, in addition to all other fees, be subject to an Administrative fee for the administrative costs to collect said monies.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.

15.07 The Authority, upon written request and verification of purpose will complete and issue a “No Lien Letter” or an “Account Balance Inquiry,” upon payment of a processing fee.  See attached Rates Summary Sheet for current fee.


16.01 The current monthly wastewater rate can be found on the attached Rates Summary Sheet.

16.02 Users requiring a large water service and flow meter should contact the Authority for the appropriate Wastewater Rate Determination. The Authority defines one EDU as 250 gallons per day.

16.03 Once the wastewater lateral construction is complete and inspected, the service is ready for use. At this time the service is activated, the property owner will begin receiving monthly billings.

16.04 Where a customer has a past due account and the Authority has secured a Court Order to terminate sewer service to that particular property, sewer service will not be restored to that property until all back sewer bills, costs and expenses due to the Authority are paid in full.


17.01 Any grinder pump shall be owned, maintained and repaired by the property owner. The Blair Township Water and Sewer Authority shall have absolutely no responsibility towards such.

17.02 All grinder pumps, piping and appurtenances must meet the minimum specifications of Sections 02734 and 11308 of the Rules and Regulations.  It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to determine if these minimum specifications will meet the specific conditions proposed or if larger components must be installed.

17.03 Failure to abide by these Rules & Regulations may result in Wastewater not being connected to the BTWSA Wastewater System from the particular property involved and if the Authority incurs any costs in connection with the proceedings, whether they be attorney’s fees, engineering fees, repair parts and labor, or other costs the same shall be borne by the particular owner or developer violating the provisions herein.

17.04 The following items found in any Grinder Pump wet well will be in violation of the Rules and Regulations: glass, metal, rags, cloths, disposable wipes, Q-tips , diapers, socks, plastics, paper towels, sanitary napkins or tampons. These items are not biodegradable.  Costs incurred by the Authority as a result of the disposal of these items will be the responsibility of the Owner.


At the completion of all Blair Township Water and Sewer Authority (“BTWSA”) main sewer line replacement projects, all customers that have been provided sanitary sewer service by BTWSA must successfully pass an air or water pressure test as hereinafter set forth:

18.01  In the case where the sides of a double house, townhouse or multi-unit structure are owned by the same owner, and each side has its own separate building drain and building sewer piping connected to a BTWSA lateral, both sides are required to perform the noted testing.  If each side does not have a separate building drain or building sewer and separate lateral, the plumbing of both sides of the structure must be reconfigured so as to provide separate systems.  If a separate lateral is needed in order to allow for such separation, BTWSA will provide the second lateral to the property line free of charge.  Subsequently, both sides of the structure must successfully pass said test.

18.02  This regulation requires that all buried and under-slab sewer piping, both outside and inside the foundation wall (most often identified as the building drain and building sewer) be tested for water tightness.  Such  testing must be witnessed and approved by BTWSA.  Any property subject to this section not successfully passing such a test and/or any property which does not first obtain a certification thereof from BTWSA shall be in violation of BTWSA’s Rules and Regulations and shall be subject to penalties as hereinafter set forth.

18.03  With regard to the testing required, BTWSA personnel shall perform said testing one time, free of charge, for each property Owner required to perform such testing.  In the event it is determined by BTWSA personnel that the affected property fails the testing requirements herein, the Owner shall have the option, at the Owner’s sole cost and expense, to have an independent test performed, subject, however, to the terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth.    

18.04   A residential property is exempt from sewer testing if the Owner can provide documentation that the Owner’s property successfully passed an air or water pressure test, as set forth in section five (5) below, during the previous five (5) years and that no alterations, repairs, replacements or additions were performed on the varied, buried and/or under-slab sewer piping (both inside and outside the foundation wall).  The Owner shall provide such documentation as is required by BTWSA, including access to perform visual inspections as are deemed necessary by BTWSA to establish that said piping has not been altered in any way since the prior testing.

18.05   As part of the completion of the subject main sewer line replacement project, BTWSA shall install a new viewport at the right-of-way line or edge of easement demarcating the end of the BTWSA-owned lateral and the beginning of the Customer-owned lateral.  The Owner of property shall install or cause to be installed, in accordance with BTWSA’s specifications, any additional viewports necessary to complete the aforesaid testing.  If a viewport already exists on the property, but is not visible or easily accessible, the Owner shall expose said viewport.  All of the foregoing shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Owner.  Existing viewports shall not be required to be upgraded to current standards unless said viewport is being replaced as part of repair work to be performed as a result of the test results. 

18.06  Acceptable testing methods:

  1. Testing by water wherein all buried and under-slab piping (both inside and outside the foundation) is filled with water and a temporary water column is introduced to a minimum of ten (10) feet of head to the highest portion of the buried and under-slab piping, with no water loss observed during a fifteen (15) minute period; or
  2. Testing by air wherein all buried and under-slab piping is pressurized with air to a minimum of five (5) pounds per square inch (5 psi) and thereafter held for a period of fifteen (15) minutes with no noticeable pressure drop.
  3. For details of such acceptable testing, see Section 312 of the International Plumbing Code (IPC) as contained in the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, as amended.

18.07 Requests for inspection or witnessing of the testing must be made a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the requested time. BTWSA will allow a maximum of one (1) hour per test, and the witnessing shall be for the actual test itself, not for the preliminary hook up or other work which precedes the actual test. In the event that the property does not pass the initial test, BTWSA will charge a fee, paid in advance at BTWSA’s office, for each and every re-test that is necessary (see rates and fees). (NOTE: It is the intent of this Regulation that BTWSA’s inspector is scheduled to only witness a passing air/water test). BTWSA’s inspector shall make the sole determination as to when the actual testing period commences and thereafter when the fifteen (15) minute duration of the test has expired. Upon successful completion of the testing, BTWSA’s inspector shall signify his or her approval by affixing his or her signature and dating the completed “Sanitary Sewer Inspection/Testing Form”.

18.08  In the event that the property does not pass the initial test, it shall be the responsibility of the Owner, at the Owner’s sole cost and expense, to make such repairs or adjustments as necessary to the lateral, building drain, or building sewer to successfully pass a subsequent test.
       Hardship Extension:
A. In cases where complying with these Regulations would cause an undue hardship, the Owner may request a hardship extension request, which may be granted at the sole discretion of BTWSA.  This hardship extension provision only allows the applicant to delay the repair for a period of up to sixty (60) days.
B. Application for a hardship extension may be made at BTWSA’s office by: completing a Time Extension Agreement; providing proof of a bona fide contract, which states the contractor will perform the work required to bring the property into compliance; and providing proof that the funds required to bring the property into compliance have been escrowed or otherwise set aside to pay for the necessary work.
A. Any violation of these Regulations is hereby declared to be a summary offense in accordance with Section 5607(d)(17) of the Municipal Authorities Act and shall be punishable by a fine up to three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each offense.  Each and every day that a violation of these Regulations exists shall be a separate and distinct offense.
B. The requirements of these Regulations may be enforced by BTWSA in an action in equity filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Blair County, Pennsylvania.  In the event such an action is commenced by BTWSA to enforce the requirements of these Regulations, BTWSA shall be entitled to all appropriate equitable relief, including, but not limited to , preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, attorney’s fees incurred by BTWSA and all costs of suit.
C. I&I (Infiltration and Inflow) creates a potential public health hazard and a public nuisance, as it greatly increases the possibility of sewer discharge into the waterways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in violation of law and BTWSA’s Rules and Regulations.  Accordingly, BTWSA may discontinue water and/or sanitary sewer service, in its sole discretion, for any violation of these Regulations.  The cost of terminating said service(s) and the restoration thereof shall be the responsibility of the customer/Owner of the property receiving the service(s) that have been disconnected and/or restored.




Purchased Water – Metered Usage:

Metered Area (per EDU)

$18.00 monthly base rate + $12.50/1000 gallons


Domestic Water Permit fee (per EDU):  $2,500.00

Fire Line Permit fee (per EDU):  $2,500.00




Wastewater – Metered and Non-Metered:

Metered Area


$40.35 Base Rate for the first 2000 gallons + $9.25/1000 gallons up to 10,000 gallons. Starting at 10,001 gallons, a Consumption Charge of $40.35 + $9.25/1000 gallons up to 20,000 gallons.  The same rate structure shall repeat for each additional 10,000 gallons. Consumption Charges do not include a 2000-gallon allocation. The Consumption Charge of $40.35 shall be applied on gallon 10,001, gallon 20,001, etc.

Flat Rate Area (per EDU)


Newry Borough (per EDU)



Domestic Wastewater Permit fee (per EDU):  $2,550.00 + Applicable Capacity Fee

            Duncansville Capacity Fee (per EDU):  $1,500.00

            Newry Capacity Fee (per EDU):  $1,500.00



Initiate New Service

$50.00 New Customer Account

Account Balance Inquiry

$50.00 in Advance w/request

Transfer of Ownership

$50.00 Final Bill fee

Payment over 30 Days Past Due

$50.00 Administrative fee

Payment over 90 Days Past Due

$50.00 Administrative fee

Place/Lift Municipal Lien

$325.00 Legal fee

Collection through Court System

$1,500.00 Legal fee + any additional incurred

Returned Check

$50.00 Service Charge

Water Shut Off

$50.00 Shut Off fee

Failure to Connect


Failure to Notify Transfer of Ownership


Damage to Line or Tap


Developer Review fee

$5,000.00 in Advance + any additional incurred


If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of these Rules, Regulations and Policy is declaration by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid. Such decision shall not affect the validity of these Rules, Regulations and Policy as a whole or any other part hereof.

No agent or employee of the Authority shall have the right or authority to bind the Authority by any promise, agreement or representation contract to the letter of intent of the Rules, Regulations and Policy.

The Authority reserves the right to change or amend from time to time these Rules, Regulations and Policy for water and wastewater service in a manner provided by law.

All prior Laws, Rules and Regulations shall not be applicable after the effective date of these Rules, Regulations and Policy.

Disclaimer:  Please note that the Rules and Regulations are constantly changing.  For this reason, some of the newest changes might not be reflected here on the website.  You can view an updated copy of the Rules and Regulations at our office location.